Megalytic provides a variety of built-in templates that can help you get started creating reports. To create a report from a built-in template, click on “Create a New Report”.


The template selector will open. Simply click on the template that you want to use for your report. Choose “Blank” if you want to create a report from scratch. The other templates will create a report that is pre-populated with some charts and tables. You can click the icons on the right-hand side if you would like to download a sample or watch a video that explains the template.


Here is a brief overview of the available built-in template, and links to their videos (if available).

Blank – Start with a blank canvas. Add widgets from the library and create your own report from scratch. Watch video.

Website Summary – Get a quick summary of website performance. Includes traffic trend, desktop, tablet, mobile breakdown, channels sending traffic to your site, map of traffic by geography, top pages, etc.  Watch video.   Download sample.

Website – Date Range Comparison – Compare website performance across two date ranges. See the change in traffic, mobile usage, channels sending visitors, geographic distribution of visits, top pages, etc.  Download sample.

Website Conversion – Concise summary of how well the website is converting visitors. Conversion trends overall and by channel, social network, referring domain, geography, landing page, etc. At least one goal must be set up in Google Analytics to use this report template.  Download summary.

Content Overview – Identify the best performing content on your site. See which sources of traffic, social networks, and devices provide the best engagement with your content.  Download sample.

Paid Traffic – Overview of paid traffic to a website. Includes summary data for campaigns, landing pages, geography, and devices. AdWords campaign and keyword data is provided for Google Analytics accounts that are linked to AdWords.  Watch video.   Download Sample.

SEO – SEO summary report showing rankings of search queries (keywords), pages, backlinking domains, and content keywords. Also shows trends in organic search traffic. Requires access to a Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools account.  Download Sample.

Organic Traffic Summary – Summary reports showing Organic Traffic performance. Trends in traffic, visitor quality, comparisons with other sources of traffic, search query rankings, etc. Requires access to a Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools account.  Download Sample.


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