Megalytic supports two types of users – Admin and Standard.

Megalytic supports two types of users – Admin and Standard. When you first create a Megalytic account the initial (and only) User has type Admin. That initial user is also the Owner of the account.

For Megalytic Plans of type Agency or above, you can add additional Users to the account.

Standard Users

Standard Users have access to only the Reports, Connections, and Templates that are included in their User Workspace.

When a Standard User creates a new Report or Template, or adds a Connection, these are automatically added to their User Workspace.

When a Standard User deletes a Report, Template, or Connection – it is deleted from the Megalytic account, not just from their User Workspace. So, all Users will lose the deleted object.

Admin Users

Admin Users have access to all the Reports, Connections, and Templates in the Megalytic Account. Admin Users also can control what is included in a Standard User’s Workspace as described in the User Workspaces support document.

Admin Users can also add and delete Users from the account.


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