To share a report, click on the Share icon in the Report Toolbar. (see Scheduling Reports for instructions on setting up a schedule for regular delivery).


A modal will open, providing a number of options for sharing.


Each of these options will generate an HTML version of your report with a unique URL (link). The email option also enables you to attach a PDF version of the report. To see what the HTML version of your report looks like, click on the option “Generate Link” and you will get a unique URL, as shown below.


Now, copy and paste that link into a browser to open the report. This is a static version of your report, created at the time you generated the link. It does not get updated (or refreshed) with new data. Because of this, you can safely share this link with others just as you would share a PDF or printed report. It will not provide access to future data, but only to the data contained in the report at the time it was generated.
An example of an HTML Report is shown below. It is rendered as a single web page. As the user scrolls through the report, a header appears at top with the report logo on the left and a link on the right for downloading a PDF version of the report.



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