Megalytic plans and pricing are designed to be flexible and support a wide variety of users needs. Whether you need to produce a couple of reports for internal use, or thousands each month for your clients, you can configure your plan to meet your requirements.
There are four base plans for you to select from:

Basic – Our entry level plan. The best choice for a single user who needs to produce a small number of reports.

Standard – Designed for the power-user, this plan provides more reports and connections than the Basic plan. A good choice for those who need to support a small marketing department or agency with moderate reporting needs.

Premium – The best plan for a small team of 3-4. This plan enables multiple users at your company to log in and collaborate on creating, editing, and publishing reports.

Enterprise – Our largest plan, the Enterprise plan can be scaled up without limit. Designed for publishers, large marketing departments, and agencies with dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of clients.

The plan that you select determines the resources that you have access to. For example, the Premium plan provides 50 Reports, 100 Connections, 3 Users, and 10 Clients. Within your plan, you can adjust these parameters (within limits) to purchase additional resources – as shown in this video.

As you can see in the video above, plans are designed around four types of resources: Reports, Connections, Users, and Clients. Each of these is described briefly here.
Reports are the basic unit of work in Megalytic. A report is a summary of data that you plan to share with colleagues or clients. Reports can be shared as HTML or downloaded as PDFs. You can schedule reports to be delivered daily, weekly, monthly etc. Reports can be published as dashboards that clients or colleagues can log in and view. The image below shows a Megalytic account with four reports.


Connections are how you authorize Megalytic to access data from other systems such as Google Analytics, AdWords, Facebook Pages, etc. For more details, see: What is a Connection? Connections can be added and deleted from the Management Section of your account. Below is an example of an account with connections to 1 Facebook Ads account, 4 Google Adwords accounts, and many Google Analytics views.



Users are the people who can log in to your Megalytic account to create and edit reports. One of your users is designated as the Account Owner. Every Megalytic plan has exactly 1 Account Owner. Premium and Enterprise plans can add multiple other users to a Megalytic account.


Clients are people who can log in and have read-only access to a selected subset of the reports in your Megalytic account. Megalytic allows you to add Clients and give them access to their own Client Dashboardwhere they can view the reports that you have created and published for them.


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