The Great Megalytic Scavenger Hunt

By Megalytic Staff - May 24, 2018

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, it probably means you spend a lot of your time searching for unique and specific insights among a sea of data and advice. In your normal day to day life, finding answers can feel a bit like a scavenger hunt.
Well, because today is National Scavenger Hunt Day , we’ve decided to take it to the next level. This is the annual day dedicated to accomplishing tasks and collecting miscellaneous items for the pure thrill of the hunt. To get in on the game, we’re happy to announce the Great Megalytic Scavenger Hunt of 2018.
We’ve created a list of 18 questions and quests across 4 different categories, for you to track down! You’ll need an email account, something to take screenshots with, and your sharpest wits.
This post and this scavenger hunt are all about you, our readers. We hope you enjoy our regular posts and our tools, but today let’s play a game. Maybe this exercise will help introduce you to sections of the website or aspects of your account you might not be as familiar with.
But above all, we want you to have fun. To sweeten the deal, we will award a prize to the first submission that correctly responds to all 18 items.
To Enter: Send your responses to by Midnight on May 31st.
The Prize: The winner will receive 6 months FREE Megalytic Premium Subscription ($1,200 value).
Ready? Let’s get scavenging!!!

Blog, Blog, Baby

The scavenger hunt starts off with your favorite weekly read – our blog! Dig around the /blog/ section of our website to track down the following items.

  1. What is the title tag of the Megalytic Blog?
  2. Find our blog’s RSS feed – Provide the URL.
  3. Find at least 2 blog posts about working with Google Analytics – Provide titles or the URLs of the posts.
  4. Find a recent blog post and add a comment or ask a question. Provide a screenshot.
  5. Name the date of our very first blog post.

Let’s Get Social

Besides our blog, we also have dedicated social media profiles for us to communicate with, engage, and educate the digital marketing communities. Start tracking down the following items on these profiles.

  1. Find 2 social media profiles for Megalytic and provide the URLs for them.
  2. Use the hashtag #NationalScavengerHuntDay in a message you send to one of those profiles. Provide a screenshot.
  3. Find a Megalytic created eBook on Facebook advertising – Provide the URL (Hint: we wrote them to help people learn).

Working in Megalytic Reports

As much as we’re proud of the blog, we know why you became a customer – our reporting tools! Show off your reporting prowess (or discover our features) by hunting down the following items from the Reports and Support section of the website.

  1. Name any 3 of the built-in themes available in Megalytic.
  2. Name one thing Megalytic can do that Google Analytics doesn’t? (Hint: This is asked often, frequently, you might say)
  3. Name 2 paid digital advertising platforms for which Megalytic has dedicated widgets.
  4. Name 3 Chart Types available in Megalytic Widgets.
  5. Find a Support article about Scheduling Reports – Provide the URL.
  6. Name 2 ecommerce Widgets available in a Megalytic Report.
  7. Where can users submit a help request to Megalytic? – Provide the URL.

Off the Beaten Path

Megalytic is designed to pull in outside data from disparate sources. So let’s go outside of the website! Track down these last three items specific to Google Analytics and Facebook.

  1. On what URL does Google provide the definition of "Default Channels"?
  2. What does Facebook officially define as a “Button Click”?
  3. Screenshot an unusually named Custom Segment in Google Analytics.

Completing the Great Megalytic Scavenger Hunt

Send an email to with your screenshots and the responses/answers for these scavenger hunt items. Be sure to send responses in by May 31st to be eligible for the prize. The first reader to correctly send in all 18 items from the scavenger hunt will win 6 months FREE Megalytic Premium Subscription ($1,200 value).

Good luck and have fun!