Megalytic's New Features Drive Google Analytics Client Reporting at Digital Agencies

By Megalytic Staff - April 23, 2014

New pricing and features enable agencies to affordably upgrade and streamline client reporting. Professional quality Google Analytics reporting is now possible for all agencies.

Client Reporting

Agency Pricing

Megalytic today announced agency pricing and new features aimed at making professional quality Google Analytics reporting possible for all agencies.

Megalytic's "Agency Plan" supports reporting for up to 50 clients and costs only $84.98 per month with the white label option. That is less than $1.70 per month, per client. Larger plans are also available, and the per-client cost drops as the size of the plan increases.

New Features

In addition, new features have been introduced aimed at streamlining the client reporting process for Digital Marketing, SEO, and Web Design Agencies. These features include agency branding, cover pages, report templates, scheduled email delivery, and simultaneous web page and PDF reports.

What Clients are Saying

Several agencies have already taken advantage of these features during the pilot program, and helped provide input during development.

Jason Sigler, SEO Manager of Highline Ideas in Carbondale, Illinois, discovered Megalytic while searching for a solution to automate his agency's manual client reporting process.

“We have around 40 clients who all need GA reports,” said Sigler, “and when those reports take and one-and-half hours each to create, our profit margins suffer”.

During the pilot, Megalytic worked with Sigler and his staff to refine the templates and scheduling features. Another agency, Drumbeat Marketing out of Houston, Texas, advised Megalytic on the need for multi-user access, so that more than one staff person at a time could work on reports.

Amber Robinson, the Local Coordinator of SEO for Drumbeat Marketing, says, “Megalytic lets me knock out reports for my clients in 15 minutes so we’re no longer struggling to get our monthlies out. What’s even more amazing is I could start using the software immediately because it’s really simple - and the widgets are great”. Robinson also noted that her previous solution cost Drumbeat $500 a month and they are now spending $50 per month on Megalytic.

Strong Partnerships with Agencies

Both Sigler and Robinson are impressed with the “strong partnership” they have with Hansen and said he is “always available to answer questions and even develop customized solutions for us and our clients”.

Designed For Any Firm with Multiple Clients

“Megalytic's new features eliminate the need for spreadsheets and are great for digital agencies and time-pressed freelancers. These features were built to appeal to every that company that uses Google Analytics and needs a reporting solution serving multiple clients,” concluded Hansen.