Megalytic Expands Support for Facebook Ads Metrics

By Megalytic Staff - March 21, 2017

Over the past month, we've been working to expand our support for Facebook Ads Metrics. Megalytic is committed to providing best in category reporting capabilities for Facebook Advertising analytics. Today, we are pleased to announce support for the following additional metrics.
Ad Engagement Metrics
  • Link Clicks – The number of clicks on ad links to select destinations or experiences, on or off Facebook-owned properties.
  • Post Engagement – The total number of actions that people take involving your ads (or all posts, in some cases).
  • Page Engagement – The total number of actions that people took on your Facebook Page and its posts, attributed to your ads.
  • App Engagement – The number of actions, including app installs, credit spends and uses, that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.
  • Video Views (3-Second) – The number of times your video was watched for an aggregate of at least 3 seconds, or for nearly its total length, whichever happened first.
  • Video Views (10-Second) – The number of times your video was watched for an aggregate of at least 10 seconds, or for nearly its total length, whichever happened first.
Ad Performance Metrics
  • Cost per Post Engagement – The average cost for each post engagement.
  • Cost per Page Engagement – The average cost for each page engagement.
  • Cost per App Engagement – The average cost for each desktop app engagement.
  • CTR (Link) – The percentage of times people saw your ad and performed a link click.
  • CPC (Link) – The average cost for each link click.
Commerce Metrics
  • Purchase (Facebook Pixel) – The number of purchase events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.
  • Purchase Conversion Value (Facebook Pixel) – The total value of purchase (Facebook pixel) conversions.
  • Add to Cart (Facebook Pixel) – The number of add to cart events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.
  • Initiate Checkout (Facebook Pixel) – The number of initiate checkout events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.
    Conversion Metrics
    • Lead (Facebook Pixel) – The number of lead events tracked by the pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.
    • Cost per Lead (Facebook Pixel) – The average cost of each lead (Facebook pixel).
    • Lead – The number of form responses submitted after people clicked on Facebook lead ads.
    • Cost per Lead – The average cost of form responses submitted after people clicked on Facebook lead ads.
    • Page Like – The number of likes of your Facebook Page attributed to your ads.
    • Cost per Page Like – The average cost for each Facebook Page like.