Megalytic Announces Support for Scandinavian and Finnish Languages

By Megalytic Staff - July 13, 2017

Reporting tool now provides digital marketers with reports and dashboards in Dansk, Svenska, Bokmål, and Suomi.
Megalytic, the leader in report automation for digital marketers, announced today that their product now publishes digital marketing reports in 4 new languages. Responding to customer demand from Scandinavia, Megalytic now provides translations of chart titles, column headings, axis labeling, date ranges, metric names, etc. in the following languages:
  • Danish
  • Swedish
  • Norwegian
  • Finnish
Megalytic users can set a default language for their reporting and override that default for individual reports. So, a Digital Agency in Denmark may set their default language to Dansk (Danish), but if they are creating a report for a client in Sweden, they could select Svenska (Swedish) for that client’s report.
Users also have the ability to override individual translations within a report. For example, in Suomi (Finnish), Megalytic translates “Bounce Rate” as “Kimmokemäärä”, but if the English term is preferred in a particular chart or table, users can override the translation and manually enter “Bounce Rate” in one place, while the rest of the report remains in Suomi.
This is a follow-on enhancement that furthers our commitment to Support for Multiple Languages .
For more information, read the full: press release .