At Megalytic We’re Thankful for You!

By Megalytic Staff - November 22, 2017

Here at Megalytic, we deal a lot with data and technology. It’s a world filled with insight and inspiration but there it isn’t often a world of warm fuzzies and sentiment. But as this is Thanksgiving week, we wanted to take a moment to reflect and express our immense gratitude to you, our readers and clients who consistently make us feel #blessed.
We wouldn’t be where we are or even what we are without the exceptional, intelligent and engaged audience we’ve had the good fortune to interact with over the years. So today we want to thank you specifically, for a few of the things for which we’re most grateful.

Thank You for Reading

Since we launched our blog in 2014, we’ve had over 2 million users and nearly half of you are returning visitors. That’s incredibly humbling. Our greatest hope is that the content we’ve created over the years has brought new ideas and helped our readers solve common problems.

In coming years we’ll do our best to continue to contribute to the important conversations around digital marketing that are happening all around us. If you want to make sure you never miss a post, sign up for blog updates and get an email every time we post. (See the little sign-up form in the upper right corner of this page).

Blog Updates from Megalytic

New readers keep us growing, but it’s our engaged readers that help build a community.

Thank You for Getting in Touch

We’ve been so fortunate to find ourselves surrounded by incredible minds in both our readers and our platform users. We are not the organization today that we were when we first began and so much of that is because of you. The feedback we’ve gotten has provided crucial additional points for blog posts, new ideas for topics to cover and most excitingly new features and integrations for our reporting platform.

From themes to widgets to integrations and functionalities each step forward has been aided by the input and suggestions from our users. This year we began offering support for Facebook Lead Ads and reporting in new languages like Dansk, Svenska, Bokmål, and Suomi.

So many of the emails from our readers and users who reach out just to say “I had an thought” have planted the seeds that have grown into many of our upgrade and additions. That communication means the world to us and we hope you’ll keep those ideas coming!

Thank you for Giving us a Shot

In just under three years we’ve been lucky enough to have thousands of you try out our reporting platform through the Free Trial. Just knowing that you took the time to sign up to see what Megalytic can do has been thrilling. We’ve had the honor of being listed and mentioned among some of the top reporting platforms in the industry and we couldn’t be more grateful for those endorsements. But really, it’s you the readers and users who have given us the greatest sense of fulfillment by trusting us to help you do your jobs every day. As we look to the future it will be out constant goal to find new ways to provide better data, more insights and more opportunities to improve efficiency and drive better results for your companies and clients. If you haven’t tried out Megalytic yet, there’s no time like the present.

Megalytic Free Trial


Every year Thanksgiving is a chance for all of us to focus on the things we have to be grateful for. Perhaps it shouldn’t take a single day to encourage us to approach life with an attitude of thankfulness and acknowledge the people and communities who help us learn and thrive. But, as luck would have it there is a day for that and annual encouragement to appreciate all we have and those who make us who we are. So as you enjoy time this week with friends and family, those us at Megalytic just want to say thank you, all of you, for being a part of ours.